Flow Charting - Process mapping
What is a flow chart
It is a visual illustration of the sequence of operations required to complete a task.
Applicable to all processes - its step 2 to improvement.
Step 1 is problem definition
When to use flow chart
To understand your process
identify improvement areas - such as unnecessary complexities, duplicate steps, unnecessary loops, a place to use ECRS
For team consensus and following education on the standard process
How to create a flow chart / process map
Identify Process Start & Endpoints
Agree on a level of detail, you wish to go to. Start with high level (COPIS)and then eventually go down to the micro level showing minute details
Brainstorm or observe and note the steps - inputs, outputs, decisions, major activities, put them on post-its
Now arrange them in the sequence
Remember to check and ask - What are we showing - are we showing - "what is" OR "what it should be"
Right now you should do "what is"
Write the process step inside each appropriate symbol
Oval - Shows inputs to start the process and the outputs of the process
Rectangle - shows a task
Diamond/rhombus - shows decision - two arrows must go out from it - for yes and no
Arrows - show direction of the process
more symbols are available to show other items like database, reports etc
Use simple language
Connect the Symbols with arrows showing the direction of flow
Validate the flowchart with a process expert/ other process members
You may now study this against
what it should be
Problem areas ( see ECRS. Lean 7 Wastes, )
a similar process for best practice
Find opportunities, improve your process
One notable enhancement would add doers/ function in a swim lane form - It is called a cross-functional or deployment flow chart - here's how to do it
Identify the participants of the process from the start-to-top point. Place the customer at the upper left corner.
Identify the “trigger” or initial step and identify the “final” step
Identify who receives the output of the initial step and what activity they perform
Repeat by identifying who receives the output from the second step and what activity they perform
Continue identifying steps and align vertically with participants
Another type - more suitable for processes with too many decision boxes / high rework/inspection- is Alternate Path flow chart
Write the % times next to the yes / no of the decision boxes.
Helps you identify, how many times, rework / rejection loop is started and accordingly you can prioritize and improve the process
this can be done either in a simple process flow chart or a cross-functional one
Example of a flow chart

Cross functional flow chart